Awesome Ways You Can Run Your Home From Your Phone


One of the latest and most exciting advancements in home automation is the ability to run your home remotely from pretty much any wireless device. Finally, it is entirely possible for the modern homeowner to be in two places at once. If you are new to the concept of remotely controlled home automation, we want to share with you some of the most useful implementations for your home. Installing these devices will simplify your life and add to your peace of mind.

Learn About Your Energy Expenditures
Smart thermostats, in tandem with remote access apps like Belkin’s WEMO, allow you to track your energy usage and make remote decisions as to what needs to be turned off or adjusted. Additionally, with a few smart installs, you should be able to track water usage, “phantom” electricity usage, and Wi-Fi.

Light and Bright
With the proper systems in place you can now manage every light in your home remotely from any place in the world. From the comfort of your own sofa when you are just too tired to turn the garden lights on, or from overseas while on vacation, you are in control. In addition to on and off functions, you can also take advantage of dimming features to create the perfect ambiance and illumination with a single click.

Start the Meal Before Leaving the Office
A smart installation of home automation systems can equip you to get the crockpot started just before you leave the office. Coffee makers can begin brewing with one simple click of your phone or tablet screen without you ever leaving your bed. If you love outdoor cooking, consider installing an electric grill and begin heating it while you are on your way home from work or the supermarket.

Keep a Watchful Eye
Go beyond security and intruder alerts with your home webcams. Access any camera in your home from the convenience of your mobile device. You can track the kids, the dogs, and even housekeeping staff with access to your home.

Home automation is practical, convenient and sensible. By selecting the proper installations you will be able to increase the value of your home, reduce crime, save time, and save energy. The options are limitless and can be customized to your needs and budget. Automation systems can be incorporated into new construction or retrofitted in existing homes. Home automation is the one upgrade that makes sense for the modern home and its owner.