Custom Lighting Controls: An Energy Saving Method to Enhance Your Home Theater

When you imagine the ambiance you’d like in a home theater, it’s doubtful you fantasize about a poorly-lit, drab environment. Chances are, the theater of your dreams is stunning to the eyes. Custom lighting controls aren’t just about remote control; they’re an important, interactive design element that increases relaxation and creates exactly the atmosphere you desire. As an extra boon, lighting controls can be used to conserve energy, saving you money while beautifying your home.

  • Use dimmers to customize each visit to your home theater. You may enjoy watching big-budget action movies in the dark, but it’s hard to socialize in a pitch black room. Likewise, a home theater at full brightness is likely to wash out the image on screen, defeating the purpose of the room entirely. Remote controlled dimmers create a happy medium with the press of a button. Tailor your theater’s lighting to the event, whether it be a date, game day with friends, or a private screening of your favorite flick. For the artistically inclined, dimmers can also be used to create dramatic lighting for parties or your own relaxation.
  • Conserve energy by using only as much light as you need, when you need it. This can, of course, be accomplished by flipping switches, but a controlled lighting system can save your fingers the trouble without necessarily plunging you into utter darkness. Outside the home theater, you could schedule your living room’s lights to turn off during work hours and have them return to 80-90% twenty minutes before you return home. A subtle, incremental dimmer drop as the night concludes, making the room slowly darker and darker, could be a relaxing way to unwind or a reminder to an active mind that bedtime is approaching. Create a “night light” effect by setting the dimmers at 5-10% in areas – near exits, for example – where you’ll want to be able to see in the middle of the night.
  • Custom lighting controls could make your home more secure. If you’re less concerned with conservation and more worried about safety, set your lights to a reasonable brightness on evenings when you won’t be home. Schedule lights in street-facing rooms to turn on for short periods, creating the illusion that the place is occupied. Of course, custom lighting controls are no substitute for an alarm system, but they’re less likely to disturb your sleep than a guard dog.

For more information on custom lighting controls or hiring a professional team to build the home theater of your dreams, contact us.