IMAX: The New Contractor On The Home Theater Block

Until now, the name IMAX and the phrase home theater contractor have been mutually exclusive. One provides a movie experience in a movie theater while the other provides a movie experience in your home – and never the twain shall meet. But that’s changing. With the launch of the Imax Private Home Theater, the two are becoming acquainted.

That’s right IMAX is making it possible to visit strange worlds, tangle with fantastical creatures, and narrowly escape death the IMAX way – all in the privacy of your own home.  So what kind of system do you get? According to their website, the IMAX Private Theater is “state of the art and custom-designed to deliver the ultimate in-home entertainment experience.” In other words, it’s amazing. And in order to deliver on that promise, IMAX doesn’t just come in, install some equipment and leave. No, it designs every aspect of the system – from the traditional floor-to-ceiling curved screen to the projection and sound technology to the acoustics of the room itself. The projector system displays both 2D and 3D images with a 4K resolution (which is higher than what is currently found in a regular IMAX theater) and the sound system is 7.1 channel surround.

Sounds like an amazing system, but what do you do if something goes wrong? Don’t worry; IMAX will be there to take care of things. After installation, they provide 24/7/365 monitoring for the system with “response times of less than 5 minutes, predictive maintenance, performance tuning and on-the-ground support.” – all in order to keep your system at peak performance.

Now obviously this isn’t a cheap system. In fact, at a cost of $1 million to $2 million, this isn’t a system for Joe Q. Public at all unless he strikes it big in the lottery. But let’s face it, that doesn’t keep it from being the stuff dreams are made of.

Need help installing a home system that you can afford? Contact us; installing home theater systems is part of our job.